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Ageing parents

How can I help my ageing parents?

Ageing is a fact of life but caring for elderly parents is a role reversal that few people find particularly easy. As life spans lengthen, adult children in their 50’s and 60’s are increasingly caring for frail, older parents. In fact, 1 in 5 people in the UK are carers to an older family member. The resources in this Pod touch on the many issues you may face while caring for an ageing parent and offer plenty of helpful tips and advice.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Brain training

Does brain training really make any difference?

There are now a huge range of games and apps that claim to help with brain training. But do they work? Is it true that you must ‘use it or lose it’, can you improve your working memory, IQ or brain power and what role can brain training play in preventing dementia? How does brain training on a game or app compare to exercising? In this Pod, we look at a wide range of media with claims on both sides of the argument.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Childfree by choice

To baby or not to baby?

Being childfree is still one of the oldest taboos, and some women who choose not to have children feel regularly judged by others and suffer push back from society and friends. They feel they are denied the status of being ‘real’ women because they have made the decision not to be mothers.

But parenthood is not the only path to a happy, productive life and more people than ever are choosing to forgo it. In fact 1 in 5 women in the UK over 45 don’t have children, a much bigger number than most people realise.

It is time to remove the stigma and openly discuss a choice that many are taking.

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Dealing with Anxiety

Self help techniques

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders, with one out of fourteen people around the world being affected. It is often described as an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening, or might happen in the future. Everyone feels anxiety to some extent, it is part of being human and is the body’s way of signalling a problem or threat. However, it becomes a problem if it happens too often, goes on for a long time or impacts your ability to live your life as fully as you want to.

Use the self help resources below, which focus on Generalised Anxiety Disorder, to help you understand why it’s happening. Discover how to take back control. Learn ways of reducing your anxiety and incorporate these techniques into your everyday life to make it more manageable.

Note: Please talk to your doctor, or a mental health professional, if you experience severe or persistent anxiety.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Is the state of your house linked to that of your mind

Does decluttering really help relieve stress and bring a sense of calm? Or does it set an impossibly high standard that just makes us feel worse, as we fail to achieve picture perfect tidiness? In this pod, we explore the ideas behind decluttering, the psychology behind how we feel about our possessions, the experts who swear by it and practical tips and ideas for making a few small changes, for those that end up inspired to try.

SHOP To support this Pod, we have handpicked a great selection of shelf units, storage containers, baskets and bags. Plenty of inspiration to help clear your mind and your surfaces. View our Decluttering Shop page.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Dying Matters

Practical steps after the death of a loved one.

Experiencing the death of someone close can be extremely difficult. Even more so when you have to take responsibility for all the many procedures that ensue. From registering the death to dealing with the person’s property, the tasks can be overwhelming especially when you’re grieving.

Find helpful advice in this Pod about funeral planning, wills, probate and dealing with grief.

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Empty Nest

Dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome

When your children leave home, it can trigger a range of emotions, from pride and satisfaction to sadness and loss. It is a transitional period of life that many struggle to get used to, particularly those who have spent many years at home caring for the children.  But it is also a time that brings new opportunities, time to discover new hobbies or reignite old ones, revitalise your relationships with your partner and explore new horizons. Discover how you can make the most of this key stage of life.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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From Mum to Granny

Help I’m a Grandparent

Gone are the days of grannies as grey-haired ladies who knit blankets, nowadays half of British grandparents are under 65. Becoming a grandparent can be an incredibly rewarding and happy experience. However, it isn’t always without its challenges. Here we look at what being a grandparent might involve, tips for new grandparents, and general advice on this major milestone.

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Life after divorce

Advice and support to help you survive and thrive

If you are looking for some support and advice for life during and after divorce, then this Pod can help. Full of practical, thoughtful and expert advice it covers subjects such as how to tell the children, surviving the first few weeks, parenting after divorce, dealing with finances, introducing a new partner and caring for your emotional wellbeing. There are also stories from others who have been through the same thing and in the Xtra section, we list a few ideas of where you can find more help and support.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Mature Makeup Videos

Tips and tricks for mature skin

In this Pod, we have decided to concentrate on makeup for the more mature skin.  The internet is bombarded with wrinkle free teenagers advocating the use of various products, so we are showcasing videos that celebrate experience over youth!

As long as there have been people, there has been makeup.  The Ancient Egyptians would decorate their eyes with dark green, black or blue kohl circles that were supposed to ward off the evil eye and Alexander the Great apparently wore eye makeup for aesthetic and health reasons, as it ‘protected the delicate skin around the eyes and kept off flies’.

During a global crisis, it might feel a bit trivial to pull out your makeup bag and go to town on bronzer.  But experts say it can actually make a huge difference in navigating these unpredictable times.  It can help separate home and work life, your weekend self from your work self and some studies have shown that, for some, wearing make up can even boost productivity.

SHOP To support this video collection, we have handpicked a great selection of makeup, brush sets, storage solutions and other accessories. View our Mature Makeup Shop page.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Mature Style Videos

Fashion and style for mature women

A fabulous collection of fashion and style videos for women in their 40s, 50s and beyond. We have handpicked videos from a wide range of fashion Youtubers, creating brilliant content for mature women. Whatever your style, we have something for you.

With advice on everyday style, like finding great jeans, revamping your wardrobe, putting together simple outfits that work for your shape and tips on finding that perfect occasion wear, these videos provide a great range of fashion and style ideas.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.


Midlife Musings

Great Podcasts for Midlife Women

Our pick of the best podcasts that aim to inspire and empower women over 40. Join the conversation and listen to these podcasts offering advice about midlife, menopause and health. Informative, entertaining and humorous.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Navigating Midlife

Ideas to help you navigate, thrive and embrace life

Midlife doesn’t need to be a crisis. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams, change your vocation or try something new. Live the second half of your life with renewed passion and zest.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Preparing for Uni

Homesickness, packing and how to make friends

For many young people, going away to University will be the first time they will live away from home and it can be a hugely daunting experience. How can you help them prepare? In this Pod, we explore tips and advice on dealing with homesickness, what to pack, how to make friends and settle in and getting used to independent study.

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Raising Teenagers

What is going on in the teenage brain?

As children become teenagers, their brains undergo a transformational period of development that can impact mood, sleep patterns and attitudes to risk. They can challenge even the calmest of parents with aloof, baffling, stressful or worrying behaviour.  A better understanding of these changes can help you adapt your parenting style, navigate your way through problems and difficult situations and build a better relationship with your teenager. While teenagers might need support with decision making and planning, it is also a period of great opportunity for learning and creativity. This Pod will help you make the most of these precious years.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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Talking Menopause

You’re not mad, you’re menopausal

Cut through the confusion of symptoms and learn how menopause is affecting you both physically and mentally. Women should no longer be invisible and suffer menopausal symptoms in silence. This Pod offers help and advice from the leading experts with links to the many resources that are out there to help you during this difficult life stage.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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The Right To Die

Dying with dignity or playing God?

Do we have the right to die? Is it ever ok to end the life of another? Should people be allowed to choose their own death in accordance with their own wishes, or has death on demand gone too far? Is there a slippery slope? As of 2019, assisted dying is still illegal in the UK but accepted in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, five states in the USA and Canada. Many people are against assisted dying for religious or moral reasons. They fear the floodgates might be opened leading to uncontrollable killing of vulnerable people. In this Pod, the podcasts generally voice the debates of the issues and factors involved, whilst the individual stories in the video section present the human side of the issue.

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