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POD: Life Stages

Empty Nest

Dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome

When your children leave home, it can trigger a range of emotions, from pride and satisfaction to sadness and loss. It is a transitional period of life that many struggle to get used to, particularly those who have spent many years at home caring for the children.  But it is also a time that brings new opportunities, time to discover new hobbies or reignite old ones, revitalise your relationships with your partner and explore new horizons. Discover how you can make the most of this key stage of life.

Part of our Life Stages Collection.

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How To Prevent “Empty Nest” And Let Go

(23 mins)

Any time you can claim intention, it’s empowering. Letting go of children and avoiding the depression that can come from “empty nest?” You can decide to handle that transition with intentionality as well. Dr. Margaret Robinson Rutherford PhD, offers specific ideas and references to help you do just that.


Empty Nest

(27 mins)

Foodie Sophie Gray and radio broadcaster Nerida Ashcroft’s fun and pithy new podcast series ‘I wasn’t expecting that’, delves into the unexpected issues that come up for women in their 40s and 50s. Here they talk about the time in life where your children start to leave home. It can be tough, how does one get through it? Is it all bad or are there things to look forward too?


Empty Nest Syndrome

(43 mins)

Join television presenter Nadia Sawalha and her husband Mark Adderley talking about the emotional highs and lows regarding Empty Nest Syndrome… what are the DOs & DON’Ts when it comes to how you should behave as a parent when your child leaves for University or to travel the world? Is it important that as parents we hide our emotions?


Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome

(7 mins)

Talking Brains: You may have children going off to college this year. Feeling a sense of grief about your child leaving is totally normal. Learn how you can best cope with your “new normal.” Talking Brains is a podcast about therapy and what makes your brain happy with host Stephanie Sarkis PhD.




How to deal with empty nest syndrome

(10 mins)

Happy Stuff and Fluff, positive psychology and sharing wisdom about life over the age of 50.  A simple way to help ease ‘Empty Nest syndrome’.


Expert tips on dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome

(5 mins)

Laura Rhodes-Levin, with tips on dealing with “empty nest syndrome”


The secret pain of Empty Nest Syndrome

(6 mins)

Lorraine talks to Olivia Fane and Janet Ellis about the secret suffering they’ve felt after all their children left home.



7 Life Hacks to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome


If you’re a parent of a child who’s preparing to move out of your home for the first time, it’s likely you’ll experience feelings and emotions associated with empty nest syndrome.

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How to cope with empty-nest syndrome


How to cope with empty-nest syndrome – without being gutted by grief.

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The Best Empty Nest Advice


The Best Empty Nest Advice for Parents Whose Kids Are Leaving the Coop. You get to figure out who you are as a person apart from your kids.

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The Empty Nest book

Empty Nest podcast series

Net Doctor – expert advice


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